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Selected Articles
  • MAGAZINE 2017: Deco Home, Germany, Living Corriere, Italy. Dobre Wnętrze, Poland. Elle Decoration, Poland. Wohnidee, Germany. Le Mile, Germany. Moriarty, Swiss 2016: Rum, Denmark/ Wohnidee, Germany, Schöner Wohnen, Germany, AD – Choice, Germany, AD Germany/ Germany. Hole&Corner/ UK, Casa Vogue/ Italy, Elle Deco/ Taiwan, Häuser/ Germany 2015: Wohnrevue, Swiss/ DOM & WNĘTRZE, Poland/ Design Alive, Poland, AD Germany, Germany/ House Beautiful, Turkey/ Wohnidee, Germany/ Home Journal, Hong Kong/ Schöner Wohnen, Germany/ Villas, Belgium, Fiera Magazin, UK 2014: Habitus #32, Australia/ Schöner Wohnen, Germany/Darc Magazine, UK/De Gelderlander, Netherlands/ DAMn° Magazine/ ID.Interior Design, Ukraine/ Costume Living ,Denmark/ Wallpaper*, UK/ Glocal Design Magazine, Mexico/ Architecture d’interieur Magazine, France/ Couch, Germany/ On Diseño 346, Spain/ Süddeutsche Zeitung – Das Magazin, Germany, Discover Benelux, Belgium 2013: Elle Decoration, Norway/ FUTU Paper, Poland/ Home Magazine, France/ Raum und Wohnen, Swiss/ Neo2, Spain/ Elle Decoration, Poland/ My Room: Sonderedition Raum und Wohnen, Swiss/ Dom&Wnętrze, Poland 2011: Top Hair International, Germany 2010: Goede, Belgien 2009: Trend and Style, Germany/ Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, Germany/ Living at Home, Germany/ 365 Gay Times,UK/ Maxima, Austria/ Lifelounge, Australia/ Domus, Russia 2008: Neon, Germany 2007: Eslite, Korea/ Casa D, Italy/ Naujas Namas, Lettland/ Ottagono, Italy/ PREF, France/ H: The Hotel Mag, UK/ Tendencias, Spain / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany/ New York Times, USA 2006: FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany/ Design Report, Germany/ Jungsheft, Germany/ Voque, Korea/ Casa d‘abitare, Italy/ Elle Decoration, Poland/ BIBA, France/ Woman, Germany/ Möbelkultur, Germany /Muoto Magazine, Finland/ Neo 2, Spain 2005: Icon Magazine, UK/ ddn Design Diffusion News, Italy/ Form Zeitschrift für Gestaltung, Germany
  • BOOKS SaloneSatellite 20 years of new creativity, Corraini Edizioni ISBN: 978-88-7570-642-5 Chlorosphere Trendbook, France International Glass Prize, Edition 2, Charlotte J. van der Seijs foundaton German Design Award 2015, German Design Council Loser, Van Gaalen7Herwijnen (ISBN: 978-90-89102-14-0) Hair’em Scare’em, Gestelten Verlag (ISBN: 978-3-89955-275-1) Reiseführer Weimar, Marco Polo (ISBN-10: 3829705913) Design Inspirations, daab (ISBN: 978-3-86654-037-8) Sex in Design, Tectum Publishers (ISBN-13: 9789076886404) [Art]ifact – viction:ary (ISBN: 978-988-98228-6-6) TYPO, the beautiful world of fonts, Monsa (ISBN: 978-84-96429-37-6) I loves Badges, Monsa (ISBN: 10 84-96429-79-2)
  • TELEVISION 2008: Arte Sendung “Chic” 2006: Sat1 Sendung „Genial Daneben“

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